Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Final Course Reflection

     Over the semester I have learned many ways to integrate technology in my classroom and how to use many tools that are available.  The projects I completed are how to create my very own blog, concept mapping, using web tools (Storybird, Wordle, Rubric, and Trackstar), Google Groups and Google Drive, Movie Story, Web site, Turnitin, and Assistive Technology.  Each one of these projects are tools to help me as a future teacher to use with my students so that I can incorporate technology in my classroom. 
     My strong points include creating the concept map, Storybird, and the Movie Story.  I felt like these were my strong points because I was able to be creative and design things the way I wanted to.  The concept map assignment I thoroughly enjoyed because I was able to pick out a topic of choice which was dance.  The Storybird assignment was fun because I could create my own story with pictures that were provided.  It would be a great activity to do with students because they could be creative but it would not be time consuming since the pictures and templates are provided.  The Movie Story was by far my most favorite assignment the whole semester.  I worked very hard on that assignment and I felt like it turned out really great!  
     My weak points included Wordle and Assistive Technology.  Wordle was really confusing to me because I did not understand the setting up process.  I also had trouble navigating a few areas of the Assistive Technology assignment.  I plan to improve both of these weak areas by using both of them more and getting more comfortable with them.  I plan to use all the technology tools I have learned about in this class to use in my own classroom.  
     There are many ways to integrate technology into the classroom.  Some of the ways I plan to do this is by using the internet to go on a Scavenger Hunt, explore places you could never visit with streaming video, create a web quest, finding current events, and research information on certain topics.  I would also like to allow my students to use Word Processing to compose a story/ news article/ book review with clip art or graphics, expand vocabulary by using the thesaurus, comparing and contrasting things using a Venn diagram, using timelines for projects or to record historical events, and publishing a class newspaper or flyer.  There are so many more ways to incorporate technology into the classroom but those are a few ways I plan to do it.                                     

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